

[person_by] Martine Stig Elodie Hiryczuk Sjoerd van Oevelen Frank van der Stok Hans Gremmen

November 2019

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Martine Stig
Martine Stig (b. 1972) is an artist based in Amsterdam. Point of departure in her work is the photographic image; the voyeuristic act: photography (verb) and the autonomic product: photo (noun). Whilst using the medium (and moving away from it) she researches its role in the perception of reality.

Elodie Hiryczuk
Elodie Hiryczuk (b. 1977) is a French/ Dutch artist and researcher based in Amsterdam. She collaborates with Sjoerd van Oevelen under the name Hiryczuk/ Van Oevelen. Their work explores the workings of perception in humankind's relationship to nature and the landscape.

Sjoerd van Oevelen
Sjoerd van Oevelen (b. 1974) is a Dutch artist and researcher based in Amsterdam. He collaborates with Elodie Hiryczuk under the name Hiryczuk/ Van Oevelen. Their work explores the workings of perception in humankind's relationship to nature and the landscape.

Frank van der Stok
Frank van der Stok (b. 1967) is a curator, editor, essayist and intermediary for artists and art institutions. He also works as an editor and producer of artists’ books.

Hans Gremmen
Graphic designer, publisher and artist Hans Gremmen (1976, NL) has a special interest in the grandeur of the American landscape. For the contemporary explorer that he is there is plenty of space left to discover, especially the sense of romance of the mid-nineteenth century expeditions expanding westwards, whose reports about railway construction resulted in a near-tangible ‘historical sensation’.


Also by Martine Stig Elodie Hiryczuk Sjoerd van Oevelen Frank van der Stok Hans Gremmen



The First Tankman




Near Duc Pho


Socle Du Monde


Silent Witness


Flat Earth




The Ambassadors




Hello World


Mammoth Blood




Fast Fast Fast


The Other Angle


The Other 9/11










Art for Machines

[video talk]

