[person_by] Hiryczuk / Van Oevelen Elodie Hiryczuk Sjoerd van Oevelen
August 2021
Hiryczuk / Van Oevelen Elodie Hiryczuk Sjoerd van Oevelen
The photographic work Gaze Multiple – Hawthorn (2021) comprises five vertical panels presented parallel to each other in a composition inspired by East Asian folding screens.
Field Experiments, Hiryczuk / Van Oevelen, 2011
Hiryczuk / Van Oevelen Elodie Hiryczuk Sjoerd van Oevelen
In photographs of nature scenes, geometric figures have been stretched with yellow ropes to mark a space in the landscape.
Peaks of Present, Hiryczuk/ Van Oevelen, 2016
Hiryczuk / Van Oevelen Elodie Hiryczuk Sjoerd van Oevelen
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One Moon in a Thousand Seas, Hiryczuk / Van Oevelen, 2018
Hiryczuk / Van Oevelen Elodie Hiryczuk Sjoerd van Oevelen
One Moon in a Thousand Seas depicts the infinite play of moonlight on the sea surface. The photos show successive reflections of the moon on the water, from a single point of light to increasingly intricate figures and characters, depending on the swell of the sea.
in the studio, el lissitzky, 1929
El Lissitzky
El Lissitzky's somersaulting multiple exposure of himself and several friends in his studio was made in 1923, probably when he was living in Hannover at the invitation of Kurt Schwitters.