Born 1974, Steenbergen (The Netherlands)
Collaborates with artist Elodie Hiryczuk under the name Hiryczuk/ Van Oevelen
Co-head Moving Image (BA) at ArtEZ AKI Academy of Art and Design (Enschede)
PhD candidate at LUCAS Center for the Arts in Society at Leiden University
Co-founder of Radical Reversibility
Untitled, Shoji Ueda, 1940
Hiryczuk / Van Oevelen Sjoerd van Oevelen Elodie Hiryczuk
The Detached Gaze presents a collection of sources on visual perception and alternative ways of representing space within the realm of photography and painting.
Hiryczuk / Van Oevelen Elodie Hiryczuk Sjoerd van Oevelen
The photographic work Gaze Multiple – Hawthorn (2021) comprises five vertical panels presented parallel to each other in a composition inspired by East Asian folding screens.
Boy Standing in a Field, Hiryczuk / Van Oevelen, 2007
Hiryczuk / Van Oevelen Elodie Hiryczuk Sjoerd van Oevelen
2005 - 2007
In the series Sceneries the optical perspective of photographic images is manipulated to create a spatial illusion.
Hiryczuk / Van Oevelen Elodie Hiryczuk Sjoerd van Oevelen
The Detached Gaze presents a collection of images and texts Hiryczuk / Van Oevelen have collected during their artistic research over the past 5 years.
Sceneries – Man Reading by a window, Hiryczuk/ Van Oevelen, 2007
Hiryczuk / Van Oevelen Elodie Hiryczuk Sjoerd van Oevelen
Photography is generally understood as a means to produce images of reality. The analogy between the optical functioning of the photographic lens and our human eye even makes us believe that photography generates an accurate representation of what we see.
Google Image Search: ‘Pope Francis on Balcony 2013’, Hiryczuk/ Van Oevelen, 2013
Hiryczuk / Van Oevelen Elodie Hiryczuk Sjoerd van Oevelen
From a philosophical point of view the thoughts behind Pangeometry share many resemblances with Eastern concepts in which reality is not exclusively considered from a human perspective.
Field Experiments, Hiryczuk / van Oevelen, 2011
Hiryczuk / Van Oevelen Elodie Hiryczuk Sjoerd van Oevelen
In photographs of nature scenes, geometric figures have been stretched with yellow ropes to mark a space in the landscape.
Peaks of Present, Hiryczuk/ Van Oevelen, 2016
Hiryczuk / Van Oevelen Elodie Hiryczuk Sjoerd van Oevelen
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Shadow - Light - Reflection, Hiryczuk/ Van Oevelen, 2011
Hiryczuk / Van Oevelen Elodie Hiryczuk Sjoerd van Oevelen
Shadow–Light–Reflection is an ongoing photographic series consisting of diptychs and quatychs. In this series photographic sequences are employed to reconstruct a landscape – for instance a cedar forest or a group of wild mimosa trees – from a multiplicity of viewpoints.
One Moon in a Thousand Seas, Hiryczuk / Van Oevelen, 2018
Hiryczuk / Van Oevelen Elodie Hiryczuk Sjoerd van Oevelen
One Moon in a Thousand Seas depicts the infinite play of moonlight on the sea surface. The photos show successive reflections of the moon on the water, from a single point of light to increasingly intricate figures and characters, depending on the swell of the sea.
Radical Reversibility manifesto, design Hans Gremmen, 2017
Martine Stig Elodie Hiryczuk Sjoerd van Oevelen Frank van der Stok Hans Gremmen
On the occasion of our launch we will issue a printed manifesto, designed by Hans Gremmen along with the first RR special editions of work by Hiryczuk/ Van Oevelen, Martine Stig, Stephan Keppel and El Lissitzky. Interview by Daria Tuminas.